My Daughter, My Only Child, and I enjoy talking to one another. I am Spacey, She is Earthy. Who wants to goto Heaven when there is so much Here to Reward Oneself with.
No I am not having a Doctrinal conversation or debate. This is simple: This is My Appreciative Thought on How Wonderfully We are made. How wonderful it is to be Alive, A-Love, A-Being (a person who has a kitten at this very moment cuddling and playing with me as I communicate my thoughts to you), A Human.
The world is so fragmented. All of the knowledge does NOT exist, and that is what makes it all so amazing. When the time comes that all things are known, it will not be the end, be cause not all dreams will have been dreamed and all thoughts fulfilled. Humanity will have to learn to move in different ways. Maybe even all of the "-isms" will stop working and We Evolve into another type of Humanity. Why are we here is nolonger a thought of ANY concern. The least of us is focused on the study of the micro-molecular level of is all. Nuclear physics is taught in vocational schools. And the Rat Race ceases to be because we have found something wholesome to consume our person with. The energy that we give off is capable of being the pilot light that fuels our bio-fuels cars.
Let's talk. Let Fathers and Daughters talk openly about Sex, Drugs, and RockNRoll.
We are not attempting to defy the Tenets of Religion or Create a Society that is Defiant of Jehovah GOD, We are going to speak on being the best form of human that we see ourself(s) capablevof being, so that Our Tomorrow-self is Happy with who and what it is that day and pays it forward in the Ultimate form of Self Love that expands Exponentially within Itself for the Betterment of All of Us.
Delshawn DC Prejean
Thee Lord Londen